Daily Paws

Pet news, tips, entertainment and opinions from VetLocator.com

Tales of the Unusual: Cool and Unusual Animal Stories



During the course of my week, I do a lot of research and see a lot of pet news. Often I’ll come across something cool or something weird or something unusual that I’d like to share with you but they’re really not enough for a Daily Paws feature.

I’ve decided to gather them up and share them in our Daily Paws Tales of the Unusual: Cool and unusual animal stories to share.

I have three stories for you today.

1. Veterinarian fetches sheriff’s horse from hayloft – this is both cool and unusual.

Tales From Nebraska VEterinarians & Families

Tales From Nebraska Veterinarians & Families

How DID the sheriff’s horse make it up a set of narrow stairs to the hayloft?

This is a story from a book titled “‘Tales of Tails from Nebraska Veterinarians & Families” and I know you’ll enjoy reading this very funny story.  And if you like the story, buy the book.  All proceeds from the sale of the book go to Nebraska veterinary students for scholarships.

You can read the Veterinarian and the horse in the hayloft story HERE.




2. Dog hitches a ride 1200 miles from his home to join his owner in New Orleans:

Charlie and Steve

Charlie and Steve

I’ve read stories of animals traveling great distances to return home.

This is not that story.  It is a pretty cool story of a dog who’s master traveled 1200 miles away and how the dog wound up there too.

You can read that story HERE




3. Pet snake saves family from house fire:

Snake Saves Family

Snake Saves Family

We’ve all seen stories like this, stories of dogs or cats and even birds that have saved their family from disaster, but a pet snake?

First of all, in this story the snake is loose and roaming around the house.  Second of all, he does things I’ve never heard of a snake doing before.

Is the story true?  I don’t know…and you can make up your mind after reading it yourself.

Click HERE to read the snake story.



Enjoy our first issue of Daily Paws Tales of the Unusual and if YOU come across a tale that you think fits, please send it to me for inclusion in an upcoming issue.

One Response to “Tales of the Unusual: Cool and Unusual Animal Stories”

  1. Franchesca says:

    just read this funny story!

    […]Tales of the Unusual: Cool and Unusual Animal Stories « Daily Paws[…]…

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