Daily Paws

Pet news, tips, entertainment and opinions from VetLocator.com

Archive for the ‘cats’ Category

Every Dog should have his own Cat – Part 2

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Every Dog should have his own Cat – Part 1

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Daily Paws Picture of the Day: One Fur All

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

All Fur One, One Fur All


Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Sleepy Monday!

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Caturday!

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions — Part 5

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Do not try any of them unless you have skilled expertise with (a) sleeping and (b) being some kind of a cat. LOL!


21. The Bag of Limbs (Box Edition): Have a friend or loved one take you apart and put you back together haphazardly inside a box.


22. The Bag of Limbs (Couch Edition): Same as above, except (obviously) without the box.


23. The Dog Bed: Not a bed for dogs, but a bed that is made of dogs. I.e., the most comfortable bed you will ever sleep on that also smells kind of funky.


24. The Office Worker: Fall asleep on the job. LOL.


25. The Married Couple: Don’t be afraid to snore.

Does your cat sleep in awkward positions?  Snap a photo and send it to us.

The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions — Part 4

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Do not try any of them unless you have skilled expertise with (a) sleeping and (b) being some kind of a cat. LOL!


16. The Clothes Dryer: Imagine that you are a wet T-shirt, fresh from the washing machine. Drape yourself accordingly.

17. The Pot Luck: Think of yourself as a last-minute fruit salad that everyone will be very polite about but probably not enjoy all that much.

18. The Head-Rush: Head to the ground, paws in the air – let gravity do the rest.

19. The Odd One Out: For this one you will need first to find two willing conformists.

20. The Mid-Sentence: Only recommended for individuals with extreme forms of narcolepsy.

Does your cat sleep in awkward positions?  Snap a photo and send it to us.

When disaster strikes, pet owners can turn to social media help find lost pets

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Recently there was news about a 7+ earthquake in Indonesia.  Thankfully there was no real damage as a result of that quake unlike the one that ravaged the area a bit over a year ago.  While there is no good way to predict where a natural disaster is going to strike (and we have had our fair share in recent times) it is good to have a plan on recovering from one.

Today I came across an article on using social media after a disaster to help find lost pets.  There were some good tips that I thought I’d share with you:

The first thing is to have accounts set up on social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  The reason is, if you need to get word out quickly, you’ll need to have friends and followers to get the word out to.

Next you will need to have pictures of your pets and have them posted on your facebook or Flickr, somewhere you can grab them that is apart from your home which may have been affected by the disaster.

And the third thing is to get the word out on your missing pet through social media avenues as soon as possible.  The longer you wait to ask for help in finding a missing pet, the bigger the chance something can happen to your pet.

In the article there were three heart warming stories, each with a happy ending, after the pet owner lost a pet and then found it again using social media.

Powerful stuff.

Here is the link for the article:


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The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions — Part 3

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Do not try any of them unless you have skilled expertise with (a) sleeping and (b) being some kind of a cat. LOL!


11. The Drunken Radiator: Just because you are obviously some kind of gin-addled hobo doesn’t mean you can’t be nice and warm.

12. The Sleeping Dog: Find a dog. Imitate the dog.

13. The Librarian: Bury your furry little head in your paws and try to look as contemplative and bookish as possible before drifting off.

14. The Ruler: Measure the floor with every inch of your tiny body.

15. The Windowsill: The whole world is your hammock.

Does your cat sleep in awkward positions?  Snap a photo and send it to us.

The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions — Part 2

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Do not try any of them unless you have skilled expertise with (a) sleeping and (b) being some kind of a cat. LOL!


6. The Half-Box: Any old box will do, but two of your feet – preferably on opposite sides of your body – must remain outside the container at all times.

7. The Backstroker: Do not even attempt unless you have tiny, tiny, precious little legs.

8. The Sleeping Baby: Find a baby. Imitate the baby.

9. The Fur Pile: For this, you will need at least three friends who are not averse to your sleeping on them.

10. The Full-Box: Just get your whole body in there no matter what it takes. Be the box.

Does your cat sleep in awkward positions?  Snap a photo and send it to us.