Daily Paws

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Posts Tagged ‘feline cancer’

What you can do to catch cancer early and save your pet’s life

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Here are some statistics on cancer in dogs that I found alarming…According to SFGate.com, 1 in 4 dogs in the US will die of cancer (in other words, 25% of ALL dogs will die from cancer) and that number increases to almost one in two for dogs over the age of 10.

That’s very concerning.

The better news is if you, the pet owner, become educated and stay alert to indications you dog or cat may need to be checked for cancer and it is caught early, chances for a complete recovery are much higher.

Here is a link to the original article which includes steps to take to check at home and what to do if you suspect your pet has cancer.

Catching Cancer Early in Pets

If you need to find an oncologist – a pet cancer specialist, click here for VetLocator.com’s Advanced Specialist Search